Screaming' danger driver threatened to kill mum before ramming into car (2024)

A "screaming" woman threatened to kill her brother's ex partner before ploughing her Vauxhall into the mum's car.

Faye Pink appeared at Teesside Crown Court on Friday to be sentenced after being found guilty of dangerous driving by a jury last month. The Middlesbrough court heard just before 11pm on January 26, 2021, Pink turned up at the woman's Coulby Newham home and could be heard "screaming" and threatening to kill her.

While at the address, Pink rammed her car into the victim's vehicle twice before being arrested and denying the incident in police interview.

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Summarising the case, Recorder Andrew Sutcliffe KC said: "The victim was awoken by loud banging and screaming at the front door. The banging continued and when she opened the window, she saw you screaming at her saying you were going to kill her and telling her to come outside.

"She dialled 999 and and read out the number of the registration of the vehicle you were driving. A neighbour then came out and disturbed you and at that point you got into the Vauxhall and ploughed that car into the victim's car deliberately twice."

In a victim impact statement, the mum said she now has anxiety and has erected CCTV at her house. She said: "Since the incident I attended my doctors and have medication for my anxiety. I did not attend my local supermarket in fear of bumping into the family. They are a large family and when one of them falls out with someone they all join forces. I know if I saw any of them it would all kick off."

The court heard the Ormesby defendant has 19 previous convictions for 28 offences which include driving while disqualified and failing to provide a specimen for analysis. Prosecutor Paul Cross said the defendant has not appeared before the court for motoring matters since 2014.

Pink, of Normanby Road, appeared unrepresented in court but told Recorder Sutcliffe: "There's a few comments from the prosecution which I refute with regards to me having a lot to do with [name of victim's] kiddies." The 44-year-old also appeared to be sentenced for failing to surrender to police court bail on July 20, last year.

Mr Cross said: "She said she wasn't coming to court because her mother was sick. She came to court on the 27th of July and admitted that she was in breach of her bail." In her defence, Pink said her mother has terminal lung cancer and was staying with her at the time. She said: "I was between a rock and a hard place. It would have been wrong of me to walk out the house and leave my mam in a vulnerable situation. She's on oxygen and I didn't have anyone around I could call."

The defendant was handed a 15-month prison sentence suspended for two-years. She was ordered to complete 20 days of rehabilitation and 120 hours unpaid work. The defendant was also banned from contacting the victim.

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Screaming' danger driver threatened to kill mum before ramming into car (2024)


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